Sus obras;
Serie: "Existence"
- Existence (no publicado en español)
- Predestined (no publicado en español)
- Leif (no publicado en español)
- Ceaseless (no publicado en español)
- El chico malo
- Si fueras mío
- Fallen Too Far (no publicado en español)
- Never Too Far (no publicado en español)
- Forever Too Far (no publicado en español)
- Rush Too Far (no publicado en español) Rush POV Fallen Too Far
Serie "Perfection"
- Twisted Perfection(no publicado en español)
- Simple Perfection
- Take a Chance (no publicado en español)
- One More Chance (no publicado en español)
Serie "Sea Breeze"
- Breathe (no publicado en español)
- While it Lasts (no publicado en español)
- Just For Now (no publicado en español)
- Sometimes It Lasts (no publicado en español)
- Misbehaving (no publicado en español)
- Bad for You (no publicado en español)
Entrevista a la autora Románticas Magazzine (número 23)
- Hey Abbi! Thank you for having us today. I’m so happy about knowing you a little bit further, and I bet a lot of Spanish readers are too.
Thank you for having me. I'm honored that I have Spanish readers!
- As I always start this section, I would like you to explain a little bit what your series are about. What are we going to find in them?
Romance is the only common factor in all my books. Well... and sex. I have four different series. I have a paranormal series- Existence. It is the story of a girl whose time to die has arrived but Death shows up and falls in love with her first. My young adult contemporary romance series is The Vincent Boys. It is about two cousins who are best friends. They do everything together. And they're in love with the same girl. My first new adult contemporary romance series is The Sea Breeze series- It is a series following different characters in the series as they fall in love, have hot sex, and face challenges. My newest series is the Too Far series. Although it is being considered by many a new adult genre. I believe it is more adult. The sex scenes are more explicit than in any of my other books.
- That sounds so, so interesting! Is there any deeper message you want to give with your novels or your characters? Anything you want your readers to learn from them?
Nothing is easy. If you want something you have to fight for it because life isn't a fairytale. I love to give happily ever afters but sometimes there are things that happen that aren't fixed in the end of the story because that's life. Not everything is wrapped up in a pretty bow.
- Every author is also a reader. What do you like to read in your free time? Is there any other author you like and use to inspire yourself? In your stories, your way of writing..?
I read adult contemporary romance for the most part. I have my favorite authors and I always make time to read what they have released when I get a chance. I don't have a writer that inspires me. I want to be different and I worry that having an author that I learn from will in return make me write more like them. My inspiration comes from music and strange dreams.
- I’ve heard your publishing house in USA already sold the translation rights to another one in Spain. I can’t wait! What can you tell us about that? When will it be released? And can we know the name of the publishing house? Or is it Top Secret?
I actually sold the rights to The Vincent Boys and The Vincent Brothers to a publisher in Spain. My agent contracted the deal. It is with Destino. I do not know when they will release the book but they will be putting The Vincent Boys and The Vincent Brothers in one large book.
- That’s great! Have you planned coming to Spain for a book signing? I can assure you, we would love it!
I would LOVE to come to Spain. Once I have actual books there I am definitely making plans.
- There are some readers who like to have an actor or a model already in their heads in order to imagine the characters in a better way. If The Vincent Boys or The Vincent Brothers were to be filmed, which actors would you choose for them?
This one is hard for me. As Sawyer Vincent I see Penn Badgley and as Beau Vincent I see Cam Gigandet.
- Nice! And now a hard question *laughs*. Why should Spanish readers buy and read your soon-to-be published books here? How are they different to anything we’ve read before?
Because the Vincent Boys play football, look amazing shirtless, wear boots with their low riding jeans, are really good at talking dirty, and of course they have sex in the back of their trucks.
- Thank you so much, Abbi! It’s been a pleasure to interview you. I’m sure we will hear about you a lot in the future!
Thank you. I loved the questions.
tengo curiosidad por sus libros ^^ Gracias por darla a conocer <3
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